The ancient practice of meditation has experienced a renaissance in the last few decades. Universities are now offering training and seminars on meditation, and the business community has been energized by the successful stories of high-profile devotees.

Oprah does it, so do CEO’s like’s Marc Benioff, Panda Express Founder Andrew Cherng, Monsanto’s Bob Shapiro, LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner and hedge fund manager Ray Dalio. These leaders say that meditating gives them an edge in the competitive business world. Some have even built it into their company’s culture. A recent study titled Leadership Agility determined that executives who practice meditation outperform those who don’t.

In this hands-on seminar, you will learn how to use meditation and mindfulness to: make optimal and effective decisions; reduce stress and help maintain good health; and enrich all your business and personal relationships. You will learn how to use these techniques to enhance your creativity and discover hidden talents, and apply your creative mind to problem solving.

Topics include:

  • The Pea and the Potato – the different aspects of mind
  • The benefits of meditation and mindfulness
  • How to meditate and techniques for effective meditation
  • Guided meditations for different objectives
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Tactics to tap into your creative talents and power
  • Creativity exercises to assist you with the problem solving process